the run of show.



Let’s get to know one another

We invite you to join us at our home in IRvington, NY for a causal evening of pizza, beer, wine + toasts.

Wear your festive casual best. The bride can’t see into the future but she’d place a bet the groom will be wearing a nice hawaiian tee ;)

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a moment for love + vows

Please join us for an outdoors wedding ceremony at the tuxedo park clubhouse in tuxedo park, ny

We’ll start promptly at 3:00PM. tuxedo is 1 hour from nyc by car, bus or train. we have arrival information listed under faqs. IF you choose to take the party train (nj transit!) we’ll have a shuttle grab you at the train station.

Parking on-site is available.

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cocktail hour + dinner

celebrating with food

please join us on the lawn for cocktail hour following our wedding ceremony. we’ll have bites + drinks before dinner in the great hall. we invite you to rejoice in conversation, and maybe make a new friend.

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to Jan 4

the lawn party feat. rho + the nomads

celebrating with dance + drinks

Please join us for great music, wonderful performances, classic sounds, and celebratory revelry on the lawn for our featured band of the evening, rho + the nomads.

Rho & The Nomads is a collection of veteran NYC musicians with a love for groovy world rhythms. The group covers world, reggae, & soul classics and creates original music within these genres.

they’ve performed for us before in rose’s old loft, at brandon’s gramercy townhouse, and hold a special place in our hearts with their energy, talent and vibes.

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